Sunday, 27 October 2013

Standard 4.3 Manage Challenging Behaviour

Proficient: Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully.

Throughout my teaching experience, I have had the opportunity to develop my skills in behavior management. Below is feedback I gained from a relief teacher on my dealings with a particularly difficult Year 11 class I taught on my placement demonstrating my proficiency at this standard. 

Example 1:

In my third year at University, I had a placement at a High school in southern Adelaide and was given a Year 11 English Communications class. The class consisted of 18 boys and 2 girls. The class was very challenging but I believe I developed a good rapport with them by the end of the placement due to the way in which I dealt with their behaviour. Most of the teachers had dismissed the class as a 'write-off' and were purely reactionary. I always tried to be proactive in my approach, treating the students with respect and acting as the adult, demonstrating control of both myself and the classroom. Below is feedback received from a relief teacher who observed a class I took with these students. This lesson was potentially going to be a problem, as their normal teacher was away that day, and the relief was worried I wouldn't be able to control them without the original teacher's support, however she was impressed with how I dealt with the students and gave the following feedback:

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