Sunday, 27 October 2013

Standard 2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Proficient: Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful.

In the modern age we live in, it is essential that we include ICT in all learning areas. This gives students an opportunity to engage with the subject areas in a relevant and meaningful way, whilst developing their ICT skills. Below is an example of where I have incorporated ICT in the SOSE classroom through a Year 9 Tourism assignment, thus demonstrating a proficiency in this standard. 

Example 1:

In 2013, on my University placement, I was given a Year 9 unit on Tourism within the Year 9 SOSE program. As part of the curriculum, they had to research a particular major city and produce a professional and authentic travel brochure aimed at teenagers. This assignment met several cross curricula aspects such as research (using the internet, smart traveller website, travel agents etc.) and ICT (the brochures needed to be produced using Microsoft publisher). Several lessons were given on 'How to Research' and 'How to Use Microsoft Publisher' ensuring all students had a thorough understanding of the expectations and standards. Using ICT in this way, meant that students were engaging in learning in a relevant and meaningful way. They weren't just learning the bland facts of the city but rather using these to create an enticing, informative and authentic piece. Below is a copy of the assignment.

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